Letters to God is based on the true story of Tyler Doughtie, who was played in the film by Tanner Maguire. Parts of the story are real, and others were fictionalized, such as the character of a drunken mailman named Brady McDaniels (Jeffrey Johnson), who receives Tyler's "letters to God." The film was released to theaters on April 9, 2010 =) (wiki)
It is about a 8 year-old suffering from brain tumor, Tyler Doherty, and with a love of writing and sending letters to God. An alcoholic, Brady becomes his local postman temporarily. He receives letters from Tyler and decided to keep them as instruction of a pastor. Brady reads some of them, and they inspires him to become a better person. Slowly Brady begins a relationship with Tyler, thinking a way to help him. and blah blah blah...hahah..watch and you will know =)
My Fav Lines :
Mom: Do you know how much I love you? I love you....this much!
Tyler: That isn't very much
Mom:Oh but it is, because my love starts here, here it goes all around the world, and then comes right back here
Grandma: Are you ok?
Bro: No, the whole stuff stinks
Grandma: Well, I get that. You know when I'm struggling with something it really helps me with pray about that
Bro: Pray? What would we suppose to pray exactly?Uh, dear God, dont take Tyler. You have Dad, isnt that enough?
Grandma: Prayers are just telling God what's in your heart
Bro: Yeah maybe I don wanna tell what is in my heart, uh, I'm afraid to ask God to help Tyler..I mean what if He doesnt?
(Sometimes we refuse to pray, not because we do not believe, but because we are afraid of..what if God doesnt answer our prayer? What if He doesnt listen?..God strengthen my heart and faith, help me to believe you always work in a miraculous way..You are full of wisdom, You always know which is best for us, because You love us, Amen)
Pastor: Thank you Lord, for Brady. Thank you for making him caretakers of this letters, and for his heart. Your plans are always good. Lord, I believe you have a plan and purpose for him, help Brady to discover the plan for Lord I know you are about to do something wonderful, something more wonderful we can possibly imagine
Samantha's grandpa:
You have been handpicked by God
You have been handpicked by God
you are him, you must be the famous Tyler, because God has chosen you to receive His honor, the honor to be chosen as one of God's famous warrior!
Even though you are sick, when people see how strong and brave you are, well you make them to take a look at their own life....there is a glorious truth: God is the truth, this is your job to point them towards Him, they find the truth, wouldnt that be a wonderful victory?
Bro: We can do that cause we dont have any money and Tyler always sick, admitted to the hospital.
Grandma: Well, shall we accept good from God but not troubles?
Bro:Just seems like I'm getting the troubles
(Well, God works in ways that we, sometimes cannot comprehend. All we need is keep the faith alive..right? I am not a strong believer still but I'm trying, trying my best to cast all my worries and fear to Him. He is my savior, what is the best in me, He knows.)
Brady:...feel like everything I touch turns to dust, everything is like slip through my fingers, I cant hold on to anything.
Brady's boss: Hold out your hands, come on.
Now put them together, intersect your fingers, so that now nothing can slip through.
I'm glad that tears washing up my face again
The bright boy, Tyler made me realize that
If the little boy could go through what he has been through
and still he can be influential to the others,
torch the lives of the others,
be a true warrior,
Why cant we all?
The movie inspires me to stop looking at myself
instead, I wanna be an angel of others
God has a purpose for me
I'm a warrior, are you?
(2 Corinthians 3:3 You show that you are a letter from Christ...written not with ink but with the spirit of living God)
and btw,
Favorite song ^^
I'm glad that tears washing up my face again
The bright boy, Tyler made me realize that
If the little boy could go through what he has been through
and still he can be influential to the others,
torch the lives of the others,
be a true warrior,
Why cant we all?
The movie inspires me to stop looking at myself
instead, I wanna be an angel of others
God has a purpose for me
I'm a warrior, are you?
(2 Corinthians 3:3 You show that you are a letter from Christ...written not with ink but with the spirit of living God)
and btw,
Favorite song ^^