
Saturday, December 13, 2008


Plot summary

Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie. She chooses to do this so that her mother, Renée, can travel with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, who is a minor league baseball player. In Phoenix she was a bit of an outcast, so it surprises her that she attracts much attention at her new school and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys in the school, namely Mike Newton and Eric Yorkie, compete for shy Bella's attention.

When Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He even attempts to change his schedule to avoid her, leaving Bella completely puzzled about his attitude towards her. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black of the Quileute tribe, into telling her the local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires. Although she was inexplicably attracted to him even when she thought Edward drank human blood, she is much relieved to learn that the Cullens choose to abstain from drinking human blood, and drink animal blood instead. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love. Their foremost problem is that to Edward, Bella's scent is a hundred times more potent than any other human's, making Edward struggle to resist his desire to kill her. However, despite this, Edward and Bella manage to stay together safely for a time.

The seemingly perfect state of their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks and James, a tracker vampire, decides that he wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens plan to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. Bella then gets a phone call from James in which he says that he has her mother, and Bella is forced to give herself up to James at her old dance studio, where he attacks her. Edward, along with the rest of the Cullen family, rescue Bella before James can kill her. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom out of her system before it can spread and change her into a vampire. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses to let happen.


YES! On 10 Dec,I went to watch Twilight with Erin,Lynette and Connie. Wow,the movie is so captivating! It's obviously a sweet appeal to us,haha! (Yeah, it obviously attracts all the girls who LOVE dreaming!) Stephanie Meyer's literary phenomenon ensures that Twilight will be watched and watched by her hardcore fans,well,i think most fans are girls~guys??URGH..i think not many of them love this romance movie from my surveys. Aha!

The story is indeed different from typical romance movie.At first you may expect to see an action,horror,or thriller flick,but actually it's merely showing the love between Edward between Bella,and their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their pure love.AND of course i totally love those scenes where Edward always turns out to save Bella when she is in great risks!haha!

Edward and his family (the Cullens) are portrayed as 'vegetarian' in vampire clan..I thought that vampires drink human blood?have sharper teeth?will not reflect themselves in mirror?scare of cross and onions? NO such vampires under Stephanie Meyer's books. The vampires are mostly portrayed as beautiful, with fast and superhuman agility and strength. Unfortunately, most of the vampire mythology is thrown out the window though, so that the story can be told. Instead of sleeping all day, these vampires never sleep, and when sunlight hits them, they don’t die – just shimmer, as if their skin were made up of diamonds, their reflection can be seen in mirrors, plus nothing is mentioned of crosses, garlic etc. This all adds to the romanticism of the story, but it could have had a harder bite if it had stuck to the original myths.The devoted love showed by Edward(Robert Pattingson) and Bella(Kristen Stewart) is merely wonderful,their eye contacts,their whispers are so real as if a real chemistry is going on between them.haha!!

i cannot deny that the British actor,Pattingson particulary steals the audiences' hearts with his good looks..(though i hate his thick makeup,it's so pale-looking) compared to Stewart,i think he still need some room of improvement..Stewart play the role as Bella,a girl-next-door more lively and naturally.If would be better if she smiles more in this film..hahah.and we discovered that one of Bella's friend looks 99% like wan ren pu!

Whatever la,i think i'm going to be pretty mad for Vampires soon!GONNA READ THE NOVELS! pls forgive me, i always LOVE unique looove story!tata!

Gonna get those books soon!!

Action scene and trailer:

"When you can live forever,what do you live for?"


This post is specially dedicated to you guys that once bring warmth to me during STPM..我真的感到很感恩有一帮的家人,朋友,同学,和我一起并肩作战。。在此要特别感谢你们的支持和鼓励。。没有你们就没有我今日啦,虽然我的成绩可能差强人意,对不住你们,呜呜呜(豆豆:别在那里肉麻蒂克啦!还不开门见山!)




其次勒,要感谢我的二姨及三姨全家人啦!二姨真的帮了我很多,她其实是日新国中老师,帮我跟有关老师讨了很多trials,我的表妹还寄信给我,写什么不要那么的压力,放轻松,考试是要早点睡等等,虽然STPM错写成了 SPTM,但念在她这么关心我,还是原谅她吧!嘻嘻~

谢谢玉萍,Winnie,Christopher,律尹,大敏,翰林,Crystal,映璇,应泷,雪妮,yang, 丽琴,kacaubird圆智,芊幸, Aaron, Amai, 燕桃,思进,欣芳, 锦源 的sms祝福,尤其是第一个考试的前一天,我收到手软!哈哈!再此纪念你们,你们的功劳可是很大的~还有那些在friendster和facebook留言的,也谢谢你们的祝福~

中六生活不知不觉过去了,曾经是同学的披此,如今即将展翅高飞,谁会飞得高?谁会飞的低?这都不是很重要,重要的我们的友谊还会并存!希望我们的友谊不会随着时间而流失,要越醇越香!我会永远记得可爱的圣玲,勤劳的素娴,有个性的采薇,果断的慧彦,有爱心的日爱,爱管闲事的元勋(哈哈哈!=P),爱作弄人的欣盈,内向的德盈(哪里有?在maple里几外向勒==) 健谈的映璇,率直的韦莉,常主动帮我的苏林,风趣的syahrizan, 善良的衍伟,和沉默的志明。。



Interact Installation 08


最后勒,送上这首歌, 祝福各位前途似锦!!

*We're all in this together*

I'm bReAkiNg FrEe! ^^v

Yeah!!STPM is finally over!!my nightmare has gone

but...feel sort of emptiness after the exam..nothing to do..what should i do?should i celebrate?should i play computer games?should i watch tv?should i do anything wildly + crazily which i was forbidden to do during the exam period?should i...should i...ARGGH!Finally i end up my remarkable day doing...Nothing...Oh ya, just tidy
up my room and pack up my books =.=''

Wah,'nice view'

this one even worse,books are thrown like rubbish!=.=

Whatever it is,it's not that i'm lazy,it's just that i'm way too busy!(Doudou:see see see?she is finding an excuse!=.=)

Doudou,stop insult me in front of people!

No mood now..wanna go to sleepzzZZZZZZ....................................................................