
Thursday, March 19, 2009

A souvenir from indonesia

My parents just back from indonesia. I thought they wont get anything for me,um, i mean souvenirs =P Surprisingly, they bought me a GUITAR!!


So happy^^ i thought they will forget, but eventually,it turns out to be a wonderful surprise!

Um, i'm not a talented guitar learner, but this souvenir will definitely push me to LEARN HARD, haha~especially within this few months break. At least i should spent some time well to learn some skills.

Here's my lovely~Wei! Doudou kacao betul! don scratch it!

But the problem is, who will teach me? I need a guitar tutor!! haha=P

This guitar is yamaha series C390. i dunno whether it's of good quality or not. I just know that if you want to buy a cheap + good quality guitar, just think straight, buy it in indonesia!

This is my aunty's guitar. LOve it cuz it aged older than me! The quality is undeniable good, and it costs almost Rm1000, i mean ,according to current market price^^

I treasured it so much, but too bad it's not mine. Took this pic when i was just 18

Bonus: [ Trip in indo]

as sweet as candy!
took it in front of volcanos

picturesque scenery

and one more thing,



Celine~生活随笔 said...

wow so good..
me oso want a guitar..
next time go to ur house play it,can ar?
me jealous u meh!!!

Ivy아이비 said...


夜公主 said...

woo~ so pro.. must learn hard to show us. kaka XD

Unknown said...

Dear celine, sure can^^ but i'm not skilled, forgot all those chords =(

Dear kazane,是咯,我也是学到一半不学了,所以很多都忘了,唉~

Dear connie, time will show off,kaka!

芦悦忆芙 said...
